Thursday, October 31, 2013


A few snapshots of hilarity from my little crazies!

Little sister popped a whole scoop of butter into her mouth off the top of her pancake during one of our first meals out thinking it was ice cream.  Kids still bring it up with peals of laughter.

One sixty degree morning newest son shivers and says, "Mom, it is going to snow today?"

After pulling the hot rollers out of my hair in the car one morning before church little sister exclaims, "Mom, you look like Barbie!"  Never heard that one before.

Headed out for a date night Second youngest asks, "Why do you have to go on dates anyways?"
Me: "Because Mommy and Daddy need time to talk and connect with each other."
He: "Well you can just talk at home."
Me: "Not really.  You see there are these seven crazy kids that love to interrupt us at home."
He:  "Well, you can just wait and talk when you are grandparents then."

Almost nine-year remarks, "I like Brandon Heath music and Mandisa." I posted his remark on Facebook along with my own comments about being old enough to have kids with their own music preferences.  I showed him the post to which he stated in no uncertain terms that he was not a Facebook guy.

Toddler coming up to the large map while Mommy was teaching history/geography pointing and babbling about various locations then looking to his older siblings for laughter, which he got heartily.  I totally lost them after that.  Who can compete with a cute toddler?

Middle kid, after waking up from anesthesia groggily comments, "Mom, they gave me a real good nap!"

Little sister on an especially cold morning, "Mom, why I am smoking?"

Big sister starts by wearing Mommy's heels around the house, before long they have all found a pair, the boys included.  Yikes!

While stopping at the grocery store with all seven just to pick up bread and apples, my almost nine year old observes, "Mom, you should see the looks people are giving us.  They're like what?!  Look at all those kids."  Oh really?  Mommy hadn't noticed.

Big sister's total fascination with squirrels.  Many school lessons have drifted into squirrel watching.  Initially I thought really?  A squirrel?  They are everywhere, but not in the Philippines I guess.  Its probably how I would react to a jungle full of monkeys.

Several of the kids have suggested that we need at least seven dogs because one dog is too hard to share between seven kids.  Are you out of your little minds?  The last thing this home needs is another six dogs terrorizing it.

Superheros and Rapunzel conquering the world in the playroom and about bringing down the ceiling I think.

Little sister can't decide which costume to wear out, so she puts on both her Snow White and Rapunzel dresses.

Many more, but its lights out for tonight.

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