Thursday, August 8, 2013

First Full Day Together

August 8th

Its 3:00 a.m. here on one of the many beautiful islands in the Philippines.  Exhaustion doesn’t seem to be enough to keep me asleep.  My body must be thoroughly confused.  So, I am tucked away writing from the bathroom or CR (comfort room as they call it here) as the rest of the family is sleeping.  I can hear a baby crying somewhere and a rooster who forgot to check his clock is crowing, but that’s not why I am awake.  I’m not sure why I’m awake, but its quiet and I am alone.  I have talked to the LORD about everything I can think of, so I thought I would try writing for a bit. 

The last thirty-six hours have been filled to overflowing.  We met our children Tuesday evening.  Yesterday (Wednesday) was our day to soak up their world.  We ate their food, shared their playtime, met their friends and tried to follow their routine, although I think our very presence here threw everything off.  I went to classes here with the children and collected all their schoolwork and art projects. 

The children are full of life and fun personalities that we are getting to know.  Paul seems to have a new shadow.  She is about 3.5 feet tall with pigtails and pink flip-flops.  If she isn’t busy catching bugs (yes she will fit in well the our boys) or chasing with the other children, she is on Paul’s lap, in his arms, jumping on his back or calling to him from across the yard.  Her big brother and Reuben seemed to have hit it off quite well.  Kicking a soccer ball, racing on a bike, navigating an ipad or climbing a tree appear to be initial points of bonding.  Big sister is smart, alert, affectionate and engaging.   She watches out for the younger two and is helpful, but doesn’t hover. 

Reuben has done beautifully with all of it.  He traveled for four days straight only to find himself far from his backyard and comfort zone.  Yet, he has demonstrated such joy, love, gentleness, humility and self-control.  I believe he is being sustained by God’s grace through the Spirit, via your prayers and for that I am deeply grateful.  Exhaustion and tears set in for him finally around 7:00 p.m. last night (I was waiting for that to happen).  Like his mommy, he needs a bit of quiet space now and again, and hasn’t had that for days.  But, with the tears came a little quiet time with Mom and one final grace for his day – Sleep!

Now if I could get some of that particular grace….but maybe the grace of time with Jesus and time with a pen and paper was a grace more needed for today.  


  1. I was playing outside with charlie and we made an experiment with ice water and grapes. I miss you. We went to aunt Sarah's new house and I got to see peter. We went to Mini's house and i played with the tractor. We dressed up as super heroes. It was fun. I like aunt Sarah's house. Ricky and Charlie are talking and it 9:04. We took a shower and it was fun. And now were hearing a song that I really like. Love, Jaden

  2. My heart is overflowing with happiness for your family. Thank you for sharing this most amazing experience... joy and tears and exhaustion. God is good.

  3. Thanks for sharing in a way that pictures your time with them so well and gives us glimpses of their personalities. I am glad for all the tender moments you have shared together. It is a fabulous beginning. Thank You, Father. Paul, can you fathom that your Father loves you even more than you feel for little Joy!
